A Little About Roger

From a young age, Roger had a very low hedonic set point but over the years, through thousands of hours of introspective and meditative practices, he has managed to tremendously increase his baseline well-being to a level much above the norm. He now has a mind which represents itself as permanently centreless, boundaryless and without the sense of a singly positioned epistemic agent. He aims to help others achieve similar levels of baseline well-being and mental imperturbability.
Roger leads group meditations online through Patreon, as well as facilitating private
He is on the board of advisors for the Qualia Research Institute - a non-profit dedicated to suffering-focused ethics and developing a mathematical formalisation of the state-space of consciousness.
Roger is also part of the EPRC (The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium) and is interested in working with others to detail the specifics of phenomenological perception in order to better understand consciousness, valence and ultimately reduce net sentient suffering.
“ I can say without exaggerating that Roger has a masterful understanding of insight meditation and the awakening process. Having traversed the full length of the Theravadan four paths, he’s got intimate knowledge of the terrain. When you combine his skill at describing that terrain with the conceptual clarity he’s honed over both an undergrad in philosophy and a current master’s degree, you get someone who can deliver truly valuable guidance regardless of where you’re at.
Roger also cares in a real way about the suffering of others. He’s got the ethical grounding to ensure that he can help you work through challenging moments and material with real compassion and respect. Finally, he’s both holistic and scientific in his approach to coaching and life. Rest assured, you won’t be getting one sided, cryptic or myopic advice here. With Roger, you’ll be tapping into the experiential knowledge of an exceptional meditation coach who won’t lead you astray.”
- Shawn Preston

Shawn, friend and fellow meditation teacher at meditative.dev. Currently working on his PhD at Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies.
Right Livelihood

Living ethically has always been important to me and this extends to the work I do. Hopefully, our work doesn't add to the collective suffering of the world but actually seeks to minimise it. I never felt like I chose to be a meditation teacher, nor was it ever my intention while I was devoting thousands of hours to my practice. I first meditated for my own liberation and self-understanding, but inevitably developed useful skill sets and knowledge which can help others. Life unfolds in interesting ways and it seems this role of meditation teacher has been assigned to Roger - which he gladly plays some of the time.